Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I am the Light of the world

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (Prov. 22:6)

Sunday, July 23rd. Today Chad, Alex and I visited a local church. Virginia Beach Beacon Baptist church (say that four times fast!) is located about 3.3 miles from our home. God blessed us with the gifts of our children and the awesome responsibility of parenthood. It is our desire to raise our children in the Lord, to build their lives on the Rock of Christ and upon a foundation of faith. Chad and Alex were very excited to attend worship services. Their faces beamed with glory and delight when they recognized the first song (they learned it during VBS this summer when we visited Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Gary in Alabama). My heart leaped with joy as I watched my sons worship our Heavenly Father in song and praise.

Chad was able to participate in children's church during the worship hour. Children's church is available for children ages 5 to 11. Alex attended a preschool class for children ages 3 to 4. His teachers commented on how sweet he is.

Three members of the church, Willie, Elizabeth, and Lori, stopped by on Tuesday evening, July 25th, to visit with us and invite us to worship again with them on Sunday morning. They came bearing gifts...homemade cinnamon bread and a lovely bookmark. The bookmark is inscribed with the word Dad, so Chad and Alex plan to mail it to daddy on the ship. The church also offered to mail daddy copies of the Sunday morning sermons so that Michael can listen to the message and we can "share" this time together, even oceans apart.

Please check out their website at

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