Thursday, May 20, 2010

Frames of Life

In scripture, James compares life with a vapor saying: "For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away" (James 4:14).

Daily I am reminded of how quickly time passes. I see it reflected back at me every morning when I look in the mirror and discover a new "platinum highlight", or new "laugh line".

"I don't love my wrinkles and I'm certainly not fond of my neck, but I'm not ashamed of them. They are who I's a record of the life I've lived." (quote by character Nora Walker)

There are 7 more school days of Chad's elementary school career...and then he will become a middle schooler! I remember the day I brought home him home from the hospital, the first time he rolled from his tummy to his back, the first time he crawled, his first word ("MOMMA"), his first steps, his first day of preschool, how excited he was to ride the school bus on his first day of kindergarten, etc. Because we are an active duty Navy family, Chad has attended nine different schools since the age of 1...his academic career has spanned 4 states TN, WA, VA & SC. And beginning this fall, a tenth school will be added to the list.

This weekend, at our pack camp out, Alex will graduate from a Wolf cub to a Bear Cub. I can still remember the day Chad crossed over from a wolf to a bear cub while we were stationed in VA. And now, it's Alex's turn.

One of my closest friends gave birth to her second daughter on Wednesday (Welcome to the world Anneliese...congratulations Wiz on becoming a Big sister!). It seems like only yesterday our third son Ryan was born. Two years have passed since that blessed day. He brings such wonderment and joy into my life with each new discovery. Every day is an adventure.

Thank you God for all the memories and prayers for many more moments to capture in my own frame of life.

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